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January 31, 2012

WWDB? Ben & Jerry's Dulce Delish Ice Cream

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack. Man I never post anymore! It's that dang school that's holding me back, I tell ya! I've got to find a way to balance work, school, and this amazing hobby I love.

So here's a super quick post. 

If you love caramel like I do, go buy this.

Caramel on caramel.

Nuff said.

Hope you all are doing great! I sure have missed you :)

Peace, and bacon grease!


Faith said...

oooh i love that one! i eat it when hubby buys it ... of course i am stuck on Smores - Ben & Jerrys but i admit that it is delish!

have a great day!

Chris said...

I could handle that!