May 18, 2012

Sweet Grape Salad {Eating the Alphabet Series}

Last month I didn't participate in the Eating the Alphabet challenge but I'm back, baby. 

Ok, ok so I'm a little late posting. But thank goodness they leave those linkies open for a few days for slackers like myself  :)

For this challenge, we have to make a recipe using a fruit or vegetable (or grains or beans) that starts with a specific letter. This month we had the letters G or H. I decided on g for GRAPE!

I decided to go with this grape salad that I saw on Cassie's blog, and she got it from here, where I was able to scale down the measurements and figure out a good amount for us, not for a potluck or party.

Sweet Grape Salad
slightly adapted from Cassie Craves, originally from
  • 1/2 lb red seedless grapes
  • 2 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 2 oz sour cream
  • 1/8 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp pecan pieces
Mix first 5 ingredients together. Sprinkle with brown sugar and pecan pieces. Refrigerate overnight. Toss and serve cold.

Printable Recipe


I love simple and easy. And it helps that this was a tasty treat. 

I like to think that it is a bit healthy because of the grapes. But I'm pretty sure the 2 creams, 2 sugars, and nuts are killing that idea.

Oh well, I'll take this over healthy any day!

Do you guys wanna join in on the fun? Contact Brenda for details or fill out the form to sign up!

And check out the other G and H recipes in the blog hop below:

Peace, and bacon grease!


  1. Yay for grape salad! I don't htink I've ever had it but I know I'd love the combo of sweet grapes with tangy cream cheese and sour cream. YUM!

  2. If it has grapes, it counts as fruits/veggies in my book, I don't care if it has 5 gallons of ice cream on top!

  3. Don't lump the nuts into the not healthy category! They're very good for you! There, you salad just got even healthier ... you're welcome :D

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