June 7, 2012

Dulce de Leche Bacon Milkshake

Whoa, it's been quite some time since I've posted! I've missed it. I wish there were more hours in the day! I've gotta start making more time for this, somehow, cuz I loves it.

I was going to be linking up to the Crazy Cooking Challenge... this month it's all about the smoothies and shakes. Truthfully, I made this shake for that purpose. Then hours before posting time, I re-read the requirements and it has to have fruit. Noooooo! 

Oh well, I can still share this with you guys.

You all know I love my bacon. And caramel. You guys know that, right? Thus, this milkshake seemed like the perfect fit. Yes I'm about to do this.

Dulce de Leche Bacon Milkshakes. 

Bacon lovers, can I get an Amen?! This recipe from Eva is pure heaven for a bacon and caramel lover like myself. And you, of course!

Don't hate. All my bacon and sweet n salty lovers probably feel me. I know you may not be diggin the whole bacon in desserts thing, but just try it and you may be surprised!

I enjoyed the little bits of bacon with each drink. 

Annnnnd technically it's DOUBLE dulce de leche because instead of vanilla ice cream, I used Haagen Dazs' Dulce de Leche Caramel Ice Cream.

Dulce de Bacon Milkshake
slightly adapted from Adventures in Cooking
Cook bacon in a large skillet until done, flipping occasionally. Remove and set aside to cool for 5 minutes. Cut or tear 4 of the bacon slices into small pieces. Reserve extra slice of bacon for garnish.

Place the ice cream, milk, dulce de leche, and chopped bacon in a blender. Put the lid on and blend at high speed for a minute, until mixture is thoroughly combined. Pour the milkshake into a clear serving glass and garnish with the single slice of cooked bacon. Serve immediately.

It. Doesn't. Get. Much. Better. Than. That.

Peace, and bacon grease!

Linking up here.


  1. OK, you're kidding me? What would they come up with next?! And I am so curious to know how it taste but so afraid to make it, haha.

    Miss you girly! You have to blog more!

  2. What?! Bacon in a milkshake?! Heck yeah!! YummMMMM!

  3. Oh yes, I feel you. I haven't tried bacon in desserts, but I have candied it and put it in waffles, which is pretty close. Gotta love sweet and salty treats!! So if you had realized fruit had to be used, would you have added some fruit to this? Banana might be a good compliment but I think it's perfect as is.

  4. I would say that sticking bacon in a drink is ridiculous, except for the fact that we stuck a rib in a drink at Kingsford U last year, ha ha.

  5. Featuring on Bacon Time this Thursday!

  6. I did the same thing - except I made a recipe that was from Betty Crocker and then I was like CRAPOLA! LOL This milkshake looks bombtastic! Thanks for sharing it on Tasty Thursday :)

  7. OMG!!!! That is a great breakfast. Dulce de leche is my favorite. In Argentina I have tried a lot of differents dulce de leches. While I was in my Argentina apartments in the different provinces. It was also a great trip. Have you tried the "medialunas"?


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